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Heartland Bike Share Slow Race & Swap Meet

You asked for it. The Slow Race is back. And this year we’re bringing some friends.

Join Heartland Bike Share on May 3rd for our Slow Race & Swap Meet, a community event to celebrate nonprofit bike share and all things bicycling in the Omaha & Council Bluffs Metro. Aaaand it’s National Bike Month… can you feel the SYNERGY?!

“Rad! But can you tell me more about these events?” you ask. Of course we can.

The Slow Race – the slowest time down our 40-foot track wins a LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP to Heartland Bike Share. We’re going to call it the slowest race in America. You can’t stop and you can’t put your foot down. So — how slow can you go?

The Swap Meet – a grassroots event where individuals, nonprofits, and bike shops come together to sell/trade/barter their new and used bike gear. The swap meet is the perfect place to pick up that sweet new jersey for your rides (or to unload that one from last year that doesn’t fit any more 😉). We’ll have other cool partners at the event as well.

We’ll also have the best brews in Omaha nearby with Kros Strain Brewery and Archetype Coffee. Need some nosh? Hit up Clean Slate, Heirloom Market, or Dolomiti Pizzeria & Enoteca. That’s right. Heartland Bike Share’s Slow Race & Swap Meet is your opportunity to have some unadulterated bike fun, and support our nonprofit work to keep Omaha mobile.
